Friday, February 6, 2009

Faulty wiring?

I have often sat in conversations that only fueled my curiosity about God and His Creation. When I speak of the term "Creation", I am not just referring to the air, land, and sea. When I look at the differing personalities from one person to the next, I find myself often amazed. At the end of an average week, I can look back at my personal journey and witness my own attitudes and emotions as a roller coaster at times.

We are nearing a world population of 7 billion people. Each of these people is all "wired" differently by a Creator that never changes -- interesting. We can all share some stories of moments-past when we either encountered an extreme personality or perhaps we were the one being encountered.

When it comes to God as Father, as Lord and Savior, where on the chain does our personality rest?

In my relationship to the Creator, I was no more than a creature for over 25 years. However, when I took my debt of sin and acknowledged the fact that I was unable to bring to ledger "back into the black", out of eternal desperation, I chose to reach for help. I heard great news, Jesus who owed no debt, chose to pay for the debt of humanity (creation). By His shed blood He washed away my sin, and as a recipient of His righteousness, I was able to come near to God as Father. I once heard a pastor preaching a funeral message, in a foolish attempt to comfort the bereaving family, telling an open crowd that we are all members of the "brotherhood of creation" under God.

God takes all personalities into consideration, He above all others understands us best, and He does rightfully own boasting rights as Creator. He looks at all of us with the same compassion no matter our differences whether they are cultural, ethnic, religious, political, etc. As the Just and Justifier, God had to punish sin, while at the same time wanted to see all of His creation return to Him. There is no brotherhood of creation, there is just creation. The difference between Chad the former creature and Chad the present child of God all rests in the works of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary.

Romans 5:15-19 [God's Word Translation]

There is no comparison between God's gift and Adam's failure. If humanity died as the result of one person's failure, it is certainly true that God's kindness and the gift given through the kindness of one person, Jesus Christ, have been showered on humanity. (16) There is also no comparison between God's gift and the one who sinned. The verdict which followed one person's failure condemned everyone. But, even after many failures, the gift brought God's approval. (17) It is certain that death ruled because of one person's failure. It's even more certain that those who receive God's overflowing kindness and the gift of his approval will rule in life because of one person, Jesus Christ. (18) Therefore, everyone was condemned through one failure, and everyone received God's life-giving approval through one verdict. (19) Clearly, through one person's disobedience humanity became sinful, and through one person's obedience humanity will receive God's approval.

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