This is the life we have seen and heard. ---1 John 1:3a
1. When it comes to your life, what have you seen and heard in the area of a relationship with God? - (Read Matthew 9:9)
When Jesus was leaving that place, he saw a man sitting in a tax office. The man's name was Matthew. Jesus said to him, "Follow me!" So Matthew got up and followed him.
Þ Any ideas about why Jesus initiated this interaction with this tax collector?
Þ Does this mean that God is still interested in people?
2. The religious seemed to think that Jesus was being a bit peculiar by hanging out with Matthew - (Read Matthew 9:11)
The Pharisees [religious authorities] saw this and asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" -- Italics added
Þ If they were the learned men of God’s Word, why were they confused?
Þ How do you think the disciples (fellow sinners) felt when asked this?
3. Jesus responded to the question - (Read Matthew 9:12-13)
When Jesus heard that, he said, "Healthy people don't need a doctor; those who are sick do. (13) Learn what this means: 'I want mercy, not sacrifices.' I've come to call sinners, not people who think they have God's approval."
Þ Let’s define the following: 1) sinner’s 2) think 3) God’s approval
Þ Why do you think Jesus saved His harshest words for the religious?
4. Seek the Scriptures – (Read John 17:20-21)
"I'm not praying only for them. I'm also praying for those who will believe in me through their message. (21) I pray that all of these people continue to have unity in the way that you, Father, are in me and I am in you. I pray that they may be united with us so that the world will believe that you have sent me.
What helpful truths about fellowship can you find (above) concerning…
1. You and God?
2. You and your faith community?
3. You and the lost humanity in which you live?
Take each and every opportunity to live out loud the fact that God is interested in all of us, no matter our failures. Please take this next week and confront sin in your life with truth and love, showing the world that there is hope. Jesus took the disciples to dinner, He loves being around those that follow Him. Spend time with God and take that time and allow it to impact others. Remember, it is up to each of us to allow our relationship with God to bless our relationships with the others in our life.