Have I been influenced by the gospel? Am I a reconciled - reconciler?
When was the last time that I used authority?
When was the last time that a great influence was needed by someone I know?
Which mold do I fit best…?
1. Authority figure?
2. Influencer?
Consider this moment of influence...
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O
(Mark 12:28-31)
Which command is most obeyed?
Which command could use some TLC?
What person would benefit from both being lived out loud in your life?
What is your biggest challenge when connecting people to God?
a. People to influence?
b. Courage to reach out?
c. Instructions/training on how to do it?
d. Desire to try?
Go time!
How can I be more available to influence others?
a. With my time…?
b. With my talents…?
c. With my treasures…?
d. With the entire T3 package?
“Authority shapes what you do, influence shapes who you become?” -- McManus
Remember 95% commitment is 5% short!
What will be remembered after the decisions, responsibilities, and challenges?
Who you are or What you did?
What needs to happen in order for you to become a Contagious Christian?