Thursday, March 19, 2009



Read Genesis 12:1-5

Þ What did God promise to Abram (vv. 2-3)?

Þ With his family, possessions and faith in tow, Abram headed where?

Þ Is there somewhere God is leading you?

1. Discuss what may lie ahead.

2. What might you never experience by staying stationary?


Read Joshua 2:8-13

Þ Was Rahab’s focus reflected in her actions?

Þ What do you think convinced the two spies that she was authentic?

Þ To benefit from God’s power to save, what is key?


Read Hebrews 11:8 & 31

Þ As a group, give a character-profile contribution of…

1. Abram (v. 8)

2. Rahab (v. 31)

Þ Which of these two people of faith do you relate to the most?

Þ Give the group your reason.

Þ Whether you are a person of focus or direction or both, how will you endure?

Þ What do you need to pray about and work on to not lose heart?