Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Relationship Prior to the Record

This afternoon I was studying for my w/e talk and I came across some simple yet profound truths.

For many years I have studied the Scriptures and I have found the Bible to be alive and fascinating. Throughout the the Bible can be seen a common reality that understanding and applying the principles of scripture is key to growth as a follower of Christ. Paul tells us that God forcefully and intentionally breathed the Scriptures. From within Him, in His very essence, God sent forth a magnificent love letter.

Never do I wish to convey anything negative about God's Word. It is however a very serious problem when we would prefer winning an argument over winning someone's heart.

It has always been God's desire to be my friend and daddy. I would never pay more attention to a love letter from my wife than I would cherish the heart of the writer. Why should God be any different?

Did you get that?

Let me suggest and pray to model a challenge for us all. Take the next opportunity to investigate Scriptures and do so with the intent to know the writer more than just what was written. Send a shot back to me and let me know how this challenge turns out. Remember, before the record there was the relationship :)