Sunday, September 7, 2008

While it is day we must do the work...

During our small groups session today, our gathering was a catalyst used to provide some wonderful insight.

Considering the fact that we all experience "up" weeks and "down" weeks, I wonder if we remember the negative more than the positive.

Jesus told His disciples that we must do the work that God sent Him to carry out.
He also reminded His followers that a sense of urgency constantly looms over us.

What we do with our Mondays does matter...really!

Our discussion led us to a collective understanding that we can...
  1. a great work in not so attractive surroundings.
  2. ...make the best of an ordinary, mundane day.
  3. ...see a miracle through common circumstances.
It is by our daily obedience and desire to live a noble life that we can seize every powerful moment and harness that dynamic. This will allow God to do in us and then through us that which we could never do ourselves. Take these next several weeks have a TGIF day each day, no matter what the day may bring. Learn to chase daylight as you bloom where you are planted.

Assignment for the September 21st session --- Read 1 Samuel 14:1-23