Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kindled Passions...

Today we delved into the subject of passions. We shared those deep, driving ambitions and desires that drive us. At the end of the rotation, we all had one thing in common, an outstretched hand to help as our denominator. Whether it is for animals, children, or other members of humanity, we all have a passion to see others helped. Let's take a moment to thank God for His Love and how He transfers that Mercy to us and then through our choices to assist this world on its faith journey.

Have a great week and remember to read 1Samuel 14:1-23

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pop Quiz for the Gilmore Group...

Hey Gilmore Group...

Quick Pop Quiz before our time together tomorrow...

Read 1 Samuel 14:1

We find an emphatic, one-word declaration in this verse!

How did Jonathan tap into the power of his divine moment?

Take some time this afternoon and consider how Jonathan worshiped his God in this opportunity.

Send a shot to me on this post or just bring it with you on Sunday.

Celebration @ 10 am // Small Groups @ 3pm

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Choices, choices, choices...

Hey Gilmore gang,

I wonder about the choices made this week thus far that truly had a great impact on our lives?

Just Sunday, my good friend Fred made a conscious choice to keep a closer eye than usual on a car exiting a driveway onto the road. As he observed this car he began to press the brake of his vehicle, for the woman was not aware of his oncoming truck. While her attention was focused on the infant in the back seat, Fred was doing his best to swerve out of the collision zone.

Fred shared with me that he managed to leave the near catastrophe with nothing more that a smudge between the painted exteriors of the two vehicles. His choice to respond was crucial in avoiding a potentially horrible outcome.

How about your choices this week? How important are those moment-to-moment decisions?

Remember to read 1 Samuel 14:1-23 and prepare your hearts to discuss the importance of our choices that we make in every-day life.

See at small groups:)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Relationship Prior to the Record

This afternoon I was studying for my w/e talk and I came across some simple yet profound truths.

For many years I have studied the Scriptures and I have found the Bible to be alive and fascinating. Throughout the the Bible can be seen a common reality that understanding and applying the principles of scripture is key to growth as a follower of Christ. Paul tells us that God forcefully and intentionally breathed the Scriptures. From within Him, in His very essence, God sent forth a magnificent love letter.

Never do I wish to convey anything negative about God's Word. It is however a very serious problem when we would prefer winning an argument over winning someone's heart.

It has always been God's desire to be my friend and daddy. I would never pay more attention to a love letter from my wife than I would cherish the heart of the writer. Why should God be any different?

Did you get that?

Let me suggest and pray to model a challenge for us all. Take the next opportunity to investigate Scriptures and do so with the intent to know the writer more than just what was written. Send a shot back to me and let me know how this challenge turns out. Remember, before the record there was the relationship :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

While it is day we must do the work...

During our small groups session today, our gathering was a catalyst used to provide some wonderful insight.

Considering the fact that we all experience "up" weeks and "down" weeks, I wonder if we remember the negative more than the positive.

Jesus told His disciples that we must do the work that God sent Him to carry out.
He also reminded His followers that a sense of urgency constantly looms over us.

What we do with our Mondays does matter...really!

Our discussion led us to a collective understanding that we can...
  1. a great work in not so attractive surroundings.
  2. ...make the best of an ordinary, mundane day.
  3. ...see a miracle through common circumstances.
It is by our daily obedience and desire to live a noble life that we can seize every powerful moment and harness that dynamic. This will allow God to do in us and then through us that which we could never do ourselves. Take these next several weeks have a TGIF day each day, no matter what the day may bring. Learn to chase daylight as you bloom where you are planted.

Assignment for the September 21st session --- Read 1 Samuel 14:1-23